Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day Mommy

Zane is still learning about gift giving. We were walking through a store the other day and he saw a pretty necklace and wanted me to buy it for him to give to me for Valentine's Day. It was so sweet I almost did it.

I never understood how my mom could say that just being my mom was present enough. I get it now though. The littlest things your kids do are way more special and memorable than anything they could ever buy for me.

He brought home an arts and crafts project from school the other day. I said, "Zane, did you make this for me?" "Yes mommy and the hearts are on there for two reasons. The first reason is because Valentine's day is coming up and so the hearts on there are for the holiday, Valentine's day. The second reason is because I love you."

Seriously, what more could a mom want?

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